Project #7: Organizing the Random

For this project we will investigate how the element of chance may be used as a starting point when creating an artwork. Each element within your design will be chosen at random; you will then use your random choices to create a design with a dynamic composition using all of the tools you have learned. You will also choose a word at random. This word will serve as the concept (idea/subject matter) for your piece. For example, if you choose the word “frigid”, your task will be to create a design that eludes to the word “frigid”. Form and content should always be carefully utilized to support the idea behind your piece.

  • Creative Brainstorming: Specific techniques for generating many ideas and possibilities either individually or collectively. Creative brainstorming encourages a non-judgmental attitude, rapid generation of ideas, record-keeping, and a willingness to push to the edges for strange and unexpected possibilities within a limited time-frame.
  • Form and Content: Physical forms and compositional principles can and should reinforce the content of any work. Content may include your emotional, intellectual, symbolic, spiritual, and/or narrative intentions, as well as subject matter (the imagery included within a piece). Unity of form and content is important to communicating an idea or message feature in any work of art or design.


9”x12” Drawing Paper 14”x17” Bristol Board
PITT Pens (black) Rubber Cement
Unconventional Material (chosen in class) Ruler


Step 1: Choose 4 numbers at random from the pile provided in class.  Refer to the chart below to see what each of your numbers correspond with, circle each of your randomized choices:

Blue: Shape

1- Circles

2- Triangles

3- Squares/Rectangles

4- Biomorphic Shapes

Red: Design Tool

1- Repetition

2- Implied Line

3- Directional Conflict

4- Visual Texture

Purple: Word (theme for your design)

1- Rhythm

2- Graceful

3- Jittery

4- Ephemeral

5- Aggressive

Yellow: Unconventional Material

1- Black Tape

2- Black Thread & Needle

3- Reinforcement Stickers

4- Black Ink Pad

Step 2: In your sketchbook: Do 4 separate experiments with your unconventional material.  How can you use it to create line, value, shape, and/or texture?

Step 3: In your sketchbook: Using your PITT pens AND your unconventional material, create at least 4 thumbnail sketches that incorporate each of the random elements that you chose.  The design may include other elements as well.  Remember that your goal is create a visually interesting design with the following criteria:

  • a unified and dynamic composition
  • a focal point
  • variation of line
  • broad value scale (refer to the value scales you created)
  • figure/ground relationships
  • sense of space through size, overlapping, atmospheric perspective, and/or linear perspective
  • the entire picture plane should be activated

Other design tools to consider utilizing:

  • Directional Dominance
  • texture (visual &/or actual)
  • repetition/proximity/continuation
  • the grid

Step 4: On 9” x 12” Drawing paper: Choose your strongest composition and recreate it on your 9” x 12” drawing paper using both your unconventional material and PITT pens. Your drawing should take up the ENTIRE page, don’t forget to consider all of your negative space!

Step 5: Once your drawing is complete, mount it on the 14”x17” piece of bristol board using your rubber cement glue.  Make sure the drawing is centered; use your ruler to create guidelines with pencil before gluing.


Once you complete the project:

  • Document the final image at 300ppi and upload it to your online e-portfolio.
  • Writing Assignment: In paragraph form, answer the questions below to complete your written self-critique (do not include the actual questions). Use correct grammar and spelling for each of your writing assignments. Refer to the assigned reading and the in-class slideshow to help you with proper use of the vocabulary. Remember that you can review the slideshow on our class website.

Answer each of the following in full sentences:

  1. Describe how your design incorporates each of the design words you chose at random and your unconventional material.
  2. Does your design include a full value range and display variation of line and mark-making?
  3. How did you convey your concept through the use of the elements and principles of design? Your concept is the word that you chose at random.
  4. How can you improve this design? Remember that we learn just as much from our failures than from our achievements!
  • Add your writing assignment to your e-portfolio on the same page as the image of your project.  I recommend that you type this as a word document and save it before pasting it into your e-portfolio.
  • Label both the image and writing with the project number and title: Project #8: Organizing the Random

Both the image & the writing assignment should be uploaded to your wordpress e-portfolio BEFORE class! Take note of when the classroom is open and available for you to use the computers and/or scanners.